Aguilar Ibarra Alonso
Área de investigación
- Economía y Medio Ambiente
Revollo Fernández, D.A. & A. Aguilar Ibarra, 2014. Measures of risk associated to regulations compliance: a laboratory experiment on the use of common-pool resources. Journal of Risk Research 17(7): 903-921.
Neitzel, K.C., A.P. Caro Borrero, D. Revollo Fernández, A. Aguilar Ibarra, A. Ramos-Elorduy & L. Almeida Leñero, 2014. Paying for environmental services: determining recognized participation under common property in a peri-urban context. Forest Policy and
Aguilar Ibarra, A., L. Zambrano, E.L. Valiente & A. Ramos-Bueno, 2013. Enhancing the potential value of environmental services in urban wetlands: an agro-ecosystem approach. Cities 31: 438–443.
Aguilar Ibarra, A., A. Sánchez Vargas & B. Martínez López, 2013. Economic impacts of climate change on two Mexican coastal fisheries: implications for food security. Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal 7: 2013-36.
Sánchez Vargas, A., R. Mansilla Sánchez & A. Aguilar Ibarra, 2013. An empirical analysis of the nonlinear relationship between environmental regulation and manufacturing productivity. Journal of Applied Economics 16 (2): 357–372.